Fun With Oma and Opa

We are having a great time with Oma and Opa! We always love to see them, and they take great care of us while they are here. The time always goes by far too quickly, but we’re so lucky that they were able to take a trip out here. They couldn’t wait to meet Anna and to see Max again. Maxwell is keeping us entertained with his two year old self. The other night he asked if he could throw the high chair tray from our toy high chair. I told him no, and he went ahead and tossed it, so I put the chair away. He wanted to play with it some more and I said we had to put it away because he threw the tray, but that we would try again tomorrow and he could make a better choice then. He thought that over and then asked, “Make a better choice today?” Nice try, buddy.

We love watching Max’s mind work. Recently he was trying to tell Jeff and me that one of his toys was growing. He kept repeating that it was “Growing” and we couldn’t figure out what he was saying and kept repeating other, incorrect words back to him. Finally he said, “It’s getting bigger!” and we exclaimed, “Oh, it’s growing!” He smiled and said, “Yeah!” He was probably wondering how smart we really were, but I loved seeing him figure out that he needed to say the same thing in a different way.

Anna is of course as cute as ever. She’s a bit of a night owl, I didn’t get her down for the night until after 11 last night. I’m hoping she moves that bedtime a little earlier before I go back to work, but thank goodness she usually does at least a six hour stretch of sleep at nighttime. After our early morning feeding she almost always zonks out and I hold her on my shoulder for a few minutes to try to minimize the likelihood that she’ll spit up. Even though my body is pleading for me to go back to sleep, I usually hold her a bit longer than I need to. I just love those sleepy baby snuggles, and I know all too soon they’ll be over.

I have lots of pictures again this time, so I’ll get to it.

Anna and I hung out with Angel and Penelope again last week, so of course I had to get some pictures of our beautiful girls:

General cuteness from the kids:

Anna’s Great-Aunt Wendy made this blanket for her:

The aftermath of one of Max’s very favorite treats: Cupcakes!

My talented friend Leanne made this dress:

Some pictures with Oma and Opa. Here they are meeting Anna for the first time:

Having a great time together:

Two Months Old!

I’m back, dear blog readers! Apologies for the hiatus. You’d think life with a two year old and an infant was busy or something. But after two different people said, “Hey, that baby on justaminutemoore is still only six weeks old!” I knew I was overdue for an update. I’ll try to get back to my weekly posting schedule.

Our beautiful Anna is two months old already! The time is sure flying by. Her official two month stats:
11 pounds, 6 ounces: 64th percentile
23.6 inches long: 90th percentile
40cm head circumference: 74th percentile

She got a thumbs up from the pediatrician, who was impressed that she usually does a six hour stretch of sleep at night (Mama is very grateful!). Anna showed off her smiles and how well she can lift her head. At two months old, she still doesn’t love tummy time, but it seems to be getting a little better. She really doesn’t like getting out of the bathtub–she screams the whole time we’re drying her off and getting her dressed, and then calms down as soon as she’s picked up. She still has a really fast “on” switch for hunger–fine one minute, starving the next. She gives us lots of smiles and is starting to coo and sometimes do a little cough/laugh sound that is just too cute. We could not love her more!

Max is doing well, he has been very complimentary lately, saying things like, “Mama, you’re a good driver” and “You’re really strong, Daddy.” A couple days ago I was carrying him down the stairs and he said, “You’re a good walker, Mama.” Why thank you Max, I am a darn good walker if I do say so myself. He still likes the show “Blue’s Clues” and for about three weeks was really into the “Opposites” episode. We watched it pretty much daily and then suddenly one day he said he wanted to watch a different one. We have been talking about opposites since then and he likes to make his books into opposites by inserting “no” in front of each sentence. We are constantly delighted by the things that come out of his mouth. Yesterday I was folding laundry upstairs and he wanted to go in the linen closet. He went in, shut the door, and was quiet for about a minutes. Then I heard him remark, “It’s dark in here.”

We enjoyed a visit from Grandpa and Grandma Helen. Max loved playing hide-and-seek with them and playing games on the ipad. It was wonderful having them here, they cooked, cleaned, and took Max fun places like the Children’s Museum and the zoo. This allowed me to sleep, shower, and feed Anna. Feeding Anna always happens, but sleep and showers are not guaranteed!

I have lots of pictures to share to catch you all up! Here we go:

Aunt Shani sent Max this soccer outfit, a souvenir from her recent trip to Ireland.

Some assorted Anna cuteness:

Official Two Month Photos:

Some other pictures from the past couple of weeks…

Snuggling with Grandma:

Fun at the park with friends:

Anna and Penelope hanging out:

I love these people!

And last but not least, pictures from our fun week with Grandma Helen and Grandpa!

Playing with the ipad:

Helping Grandma Helen clean the windows:

Helen helped me sort and prep clothes for a consignment sale. Here’s Maxwell brushing her hair with one of the hangers:

He loved wearing Grandpa or Grandma Helen’s glasses:

Max loves the local Children’s Museum. This statue is at the entrance:

Fun times at the museum!

A trip to the zoo!

Feeding the giraffes:

First ride on a carousel:

I promise not to wait so long before I post again!

Six Weeks

It’s been six weeks today since Anna was born. She’s still so tiny, and yet at the same time, so much bigger already, I can’t believe how the time is flying by. This also means my maternity leave is halfway over, but I don’t want to think about that. We have finally seen some nice summer weather here in Seattle (though I haven’t complained too much about the cooler temps we’ve had, given what the rest of the country had to contend with). We’ve taken advantage of the sun with lots of trips to our neighborhood parks–Max differentiates these by the color of their slides, so we have “Blue Slide Park” and “Yellow Slide Park.” Anna is giving us good smiles and has done a few nights in a row of a nice long stretch of sleep, for which I am very grateful.

Max is still hit and miss at nap time these days. When I put him down today I came downstairs and turned on the monitor to hear him saying: “I get out of my bed right now right now RIGHT NOW!” When that didn’t work, he tried, “Mama, open my door, please” and finally an appropriate quote from one of his Pigeon books: “I’ve changed my mind!”

We’re looking forward to the arrival of Grandpa and Grandma Helen this weekend and Oma and Opa later this month. Max talks about our far away relatives often and enjoys talking with them via Skype camera calls on the laptop. Of course there is no substitute for an in-person visit, we definitely wish everyone lived closer!

A few pictures from our week…

Anna and I spend a lot of time in the green glider, nursing and snuggling. Here she is in a milk coma:

This one shows the beautiful mother’s necklace I just got for my birthday. It has Anna and Maxwell’s names and birthstones, and the bottom disc has the line “I carry your heart” from the e.e. cummings poem, which was one of our wedding readings. I love it.

The other night we were fixing dinner and Max’s pants were wet. I took them off and before I got a chance to get him dry ones, he had started playing with our kitchen utensils. The sight of him on the kitchen floor, wearing just a diaper and his pajama shirt, whisking away, was just too cute.

I mentioned in last week’s entry that some good friends of ours recently had a baby girl, Penelope. When Angel and I were both pregnant, we independently each picked out the same hat from my friend Leanne’s Tiny Toppers shop, so naturally we had to get pictures of the girls together. Penelope is a month younger than Anna but weighed in at 10 pounds, 10 ounces at birth, so they aren’t too far off in size!

Yesterday I had to stop mid-diaper change to get photos of her cuteness. I just can’t help it, she’s too precious.